Group Exercise - contributing
- Nominate roles:
- One person to take notes - we’ll be reporting back afterwards!
- A group chair / person to report back
## Find a project
Choose a project - this could be one you know about, or one from the list below. Make a note of the following points:
- If you wanted to contribute to them, could you figure out how?
- Try and list things that make it easy to contribute
- Are there any warning signs or things that could be made better?
Some open source projects you could look at
- Firefox
- Apache Tomcat
- Git - note this is git the software, not GitHub the company!
- LibreOffice
If none of those suit you, look through some of these umbrella sites:
- Software Freedom Conservancy has many member projects
- Numfocus - lots of research software, mostly python/julia
- Software in the Public Interest
- Apache Software Foundation